Lower savings on big brands as Christmas run-up begins

The Grocer

Shoppers stocking up on confectionery, soft drinks and snacks ahead of Christmas might be disappointed by the deals available in the mults this year.

Seven out of the 10 top promoting brands have reduced average % savings on featured space promotions compared with last year, with Cadbury (-6.1%), Nestle (-2.8%), Coca-Cola (-2.1%), Walkers (-1.4%) and Mars (-2.8%) all cutting back (Promodynamic Brands 4 w/e 20 November 2016).

So despite bigger savings on McVitie’s (+3%), Birds Eye (+1.8%) and Mr Kipling (+4.4%) promotions, average % savings fell 0.5% across the top 10.

There are also fewer deals from the big brands, with only McVitie’s (+0.87%) and Fairy (+8.33%) increasing featured space promotions compared with last year.

“Considering the conditions of the marketplace, and manufacturers’ fight for brand loyalty, the continued reduction of % savings being offered on featured space promotions shows that profit is still king,” says Assosia director Kay Staniland. “If promotional prices and savings continue to decline (along with pack sizes), consumers will be more likely to try an own-label or cheaper branded product than stick to the old favourite.”

Looking at featured space promotions by category, confectionery has seen the biggest drop in average % savings – down 6.6% year on year.

“Confectionery accounts for the biggest number of individual promotions in featured space, so the reduction in savings hits more consumer pockets, and in return saves the manufacturers the largest amount in regards to promotional spend,” adds Staniland.

Meanwhile, the brands continue to move away from multibuys in favour of single price point activity as the mults move towards everyday low prices. “Coca-Cola is the only top 10 brand to favour the multibuy mechanic, using x-for-y deals on almost 75% of its promotions,” Staniland adds. “The remaining top 10 all favour single price point activity, with price cut and half-price offers.”

Featured Space Promotions captured by Assosia Ltd

4 weeks to 20/11/2016
RankingRank last monthBrandNumber of promotionsIncrease / Decrease on previous monthIncrease / Decrease on previous yearAverage % savingAverage savings % change m-o-mAverage savings % change y-o-y
44Birds Eye184-7.07%-8.91%35.1%3.4%1.8%
98Mr Kipling100-3.85%-25.93%37.1%0.0%4.4%
Total o/l1739-3.34%-10.68%26.2%1.1%-0.8%
Total brands10150-0.28%-3.96%32.1%0.4%-0.8%